Blog Update: From NaturalistaGh to Annette Akye

Happy new month guys, It's been a while and i hope everyone is doing well. I took a little break to re-evaluate and try to put things i...

Happy new month guys,
It's been a while and i hope everyone is doing well. I took a little break to re-evaluate and try to put things into perspective. I feel like over the last year or so things have changed in terms of what interests me and what direction i want this blog to head. So here I am to share with you a few changes that would be going on here.

Annette Akye Blog
Annette Akye

1. Blog name change
I have been for a while thinking of changing the name of this blog. Due to the fact that i don't only blog on natural hair but on makeup too. Changing the name will not limit me to just one category but then can include several other topics freely. So from NaturalistaGh we'll be switching to Annette Akye which i feel represents myself. Eventually this name would be synchronized across all the social media platforms.

2. Domain name change.
There'll be a domain name change as well to to match the new blog name. So please be sure to save this.

3. Blog design
New blog design will also be done. It will be easy to navigate, simple, clean and minimalistic.

4. Topics
Hopefully i can talk about various topics that interest me outside of beauty. Posting would be regular as well and more consistent. I feel more motivated to pursue the things that interest me.

So please bear with me during this period. It shouldn't take too long to implement these changes. I wish to thank you all for your amazing support. This blog has brought me amazing opportunities and it's only going to get better. God bless us all.


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  1. A change is as good as a rest all the best hun with the new direction your blog is taking:)

    1. Change is scary sometimes. Thanks for the motivation.

  2. Awesome and happy you are back!! Can't wait for more posts! Can you do a post on facial primers especially for oily skin?

    1. Hey Stella! I'm still trying to figure a lot of things out. I promise to work on it asap! Thanks for the suggestion

  3. I like how everything looks Annette, and transitioning was a very good move so that you're not boxed into one niche only.

    Best wishes!!!

    Berry Dakara Blog


I would love to hear from you, pls feel free to comment, contribute or ask questions xoxo Annette
