3 Months Natural Hair Update

Hi Lovelies, OMGosh!!!!! This post has been sitting in draft for ages now! So i thought to share with you my 3 months post big chop n...

Hi Lovelies,
OMGosh!!!!! This post has been sitting in draft for ages now! So i thought to share with you my 3 months post big chop natural hair update. The past 3 months have been fun and frustrating! Yeah a mixture of ups and downs, very interesting! So far am loving it! My goal is to have healthy and massive hair :-) There have been days when i questioned my actions. There have been days i did not feel pretty. My boyfriend doesn't like it. My mom would probably skin me alive when she finds out. Lol! On days like that i simply go to youtube to watch some natural hair gurus from when the first started and re-assure myself that i would get there. I also tie fun and funky head scarfs.
Newly Natural!
I'd say any newbie is eager to discover curl patterns, try raved about hair curling products etc. You might be disappointed that your hair is not what you imagined it to be! However you MUST love your hair however it was given to you and have tonnes of patience. 
The most important thing is to establish a simple hair regimen that is not overwhelming but beneficial enough. 
Try one product at a time so you do not end up being a product junkie! lol! Have fun with your hair, do not be afraid to try new styles, watch loads of youtube videos on how to style TWAs and read many blogs. 
Also you can join facebook pages esp Kinky Curly Coily Me and also my facebook page though its still young, NaturalistaGhIt's an amazing support group. I'll put up a post on my hair regimen and the things i do to keep it simple
Well untill next time, Keep on being fab! Annette.

Hair at 3 months!!!!!!

Here is the video i posted:

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  1. Replies
    1. Yes! it would be great to see some updates from you!your followers hve requested and we looking forward to seeing that dear!:-)

  2. just fell in love with your blog,it´s pweety and interesting.looks like i got myself someting to read tonight.I am transitioning ,i´m not up for the BC and it´s been a month 3 weeks since i started but my hair is alreadys crazy looking and getting difficult to manange,but so far i have learnt some tricks,will keep learning.

    1. Awwwwww congrats on your journey,transitioning is tough but as usual there are tips and tricks here and there, i"m sure you'll do fine, you know what they say, have loads of patience and u'll be fine, Stay blessed

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I would love to hear from you, pls feel free to comment, contribute or ask questions xoxo Annette
