Every Day Simple eyebrows Video Tutorial

So i have been meaning to start posting some videos on Youtube and i finally got the confidence to do so. Lol! Also had to stop laughing fo...

So i have been meaning to start posting some videos on Youtube and i finally got the confidence to do so. Lol! Also had to stop laughing for a while but it's quite funny and you can actually see laughter filling my cheeks in the video. But, i'd say i had fun filming and it is interesting to see and know the sort of effort and time some youtubers put in their videos. Well, we'll see how it goes.
So i decided to post a video on the eyebrow pictorial as some readers thought the process complex but after demonstrating it, they wouldn't think so. i have so many ideas on what to film but i just don't know how am going to go about it. Sighs. One day at a time i guess. Check this out and remember to share with your friends, comments are always welcome. Keep the fabulosity levels rising. xoxoxo Annette

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