30 Day Skin Care Challenge

So you remember the lovely Evita of Evita Joseph Beauty from the collab post "What I Will Get If Given $100"? Well she's hosti...

So you remember the lovely Evita of Evita Joseph Beauty from the collab post "What I Will Get If Given $100"? Well she's hosting a 30 day skin care challenge with a focus on facial skin care beginning today 8th April and ending 7th May. Yayyyyy!!! This comes in very handy for me as i have been meaning to revamp my skin care regimen. I have been slacking and i am paying dearly for it with dull and blemished skin.

Generally, i would say i have mild acne prone skin meaning i breakout about say once a month esp prior to the onset of my menses. I will usually get btn 3 and 4 pimples and the most annoying part is the tiny scars it leaves behind.
So the 30 day skin care challenge involves drinking water, revving your skin care regimen and incorporating more fruits and veggies in your diet (afterall you are what you eat). Click here to read the exact details from +Evita Joseph .
So for the next 30 days here is what i will do:
1. On a daily basis i will cleanse, tone and moisturize my face. I will incorporate into my skin care regimen an spf cream to help protect my skin. In a separate post i will talk about my skin care regimen and the products i will use.
2. I have terribly dry and hard feet as i have been ignoring them. I get very embarassed when the boo tries to touch erm you know when............ i intend to get them soft so i will scrub them and keep them moisturized daily and do overnight treatments 1-2 times a week.
3. Unfortunately, i have been plagued with using hard water as this is what is readily available for use. Using hard water leaves a white dull cast over the skin due to soap being unable to lather. So it is very important to get an exfoliating scrub and sponge to remove dead skin cells and any casts. I will do a full body scrub 1-2 times per week.
4. Due to using hard water i will exfoliate my face 2-3 times per week.
5. Drinking water is difficult but not extremely difficult esp if the weather is hot. I will drink 4-5 500ml cups of water a day. I cannot stress enough the benefits of drinking water on the health  of the skin.
6. Lastly, i will do well to incorporate into my diet more fruits and veggies.

Now here is my plan: So i will document my progress on a daily basis in my dairy and on sunday evenings post a summary on my activities.
As part of the challenge i will post pics of my bare face and we'll compare at the end of 30 days. Please i encourage everyone to join in the challenge. I will be tweeting daily on the challenge. You can follow me on twitter @AnnetteAkye and use the hashtag #30DCSkin.

Blemishes mostly around the mouth where i recently started breaking out, smh!
Untill next time ladies, Join the the 30 day Skin care challenge!
xoxo, Annette

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  1. Lol!!! at the feet part...very embarrassing I know!!! Let me know the products and I will join in!!

  2. I'm sure the results would be remarkable.....!! Im still waiting for my makeup bag estimates ooooooo... wouldn't want to be left out with make-up and stuff anymore after dropping my "ball"......lol!

  3. I use liquified black soap daily on my face (it's less drying when liquified) and use it once a week with a tough bathing sponge to exfoliate my body and it works well for me. It has really helped control my oily face.


I would love to hear from you, pls feel free to comment, contribute or ask questions xoxo Annette
