Tag: The Liebster Award

Can you believe the numerous posts i have sitting in draft?! Feels weird to be blogging again and feels like i need to try to find my way ar...

Can you believe the numerous posts i have sitting in draft?! Feels weird to be blogging again and feels like i need to try to find my way around it again.

I was tagged by Jocel of  BeautywithJocel and had the honour of being awarded the Liebster Award. This award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers to recognize them and their hardwork. So i really do not like to do tags simply because i'm lazy however i do love reading them! So this year i promise to do my best to answer when i've been tagged.

These are the simple rules for the Liebster Award
1. Each person must post 11 random things about themselves (optional)
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger set for you.
3. Choose 11 bloggers who you would like to give the Liebster Award.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you have tagged with the award to answer. 

So i'll skip the random facts about me, erm that would mean doing two tags instead of one? Nah i'm good. lol!

Below are the questions she asked:

1.What's your favourite hairstyle? To be honest i don't have one, i'm always doing something different with my hair but i think a ponytail would do for me, i like how the hair slicked back shows off the face
2. What's your hair length? Hurmph! Its been a while since i last saw my hair so i think it would be neck length (protective styling atm, yes a weave!)
3. Which do you prefer? Denman brush or fingers for detangling Denman! but sometimes finger detangling if taking off a weave or braids
4. Puff or bun? Bun, tried the puff, too much tangling and not worth it!
5.What's your hair goal? Long, big, huge, healthy hair
6. Which do you prefer? Vlogging or blogging Hmmmmmmmm i dunno really both require an amount of work but i'd say blogging because i like to read
7. What's your best hair moment? When i big chopped! I felt good that i had done something most women feared to do and i believe i pulled it off.
8. Facebook or Google+ Definitely Facebook, i'm an addict! check out the NaturalistaGh Fb page!
9. Twists or Twists Outs? Twists outs they give more volume
10. Flat Twists or Corn Roll? Weeeeeeell......... Corn roll
11. How is your journey in one word? Smooth

Choose 11 Bloggers hmmmmmmmm
1. Darling Lou +Louisa Mensah 
2. Christina +Christabell Fremah 
3. Elorm  +Beatrice Elorm Senoo 
4. Olayemi +Olayemi AO 
4. Stella +Stella Nyadzi 
5. Nessakayy 
6. Afrodiva +AfroDiva Nally 
7. Abena Emprezz +Abena Nyarkoaa 
8. MzA +Mz A 
9. Vesta of Chocolate and Curves
10. Tim +Cecil Tim-Pappoe  of Life and Cooking it

11. Dela of Sweet Mama Africa

Here are my 11 absolutely random questions I have created for you to answer. Hehehehehe pls have fun lol! Most of the questions are which do you prefer and why?

1. Food or Music?
2. Favourite movie
3. Favourite Shop
4. What is your pet peeve?
5. I have a "phobia" of ......
6. Tell me a secret about you
7. Makeup or Hair?
8. Heels or Flats?
9. Boobs or Butts?
10. Facebook or Twitter?
11. Natural Haired or Relaxed Haired

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I would love to hear from you, pls feel free to comment, contribute or ask questions xoxo Annette
