
Hello, It's been a min since i last blogged, i hope everyone's well. So I am happy to announce to you the first SANKOFA Meetup be...

Hello, It's been a min since i last blogged, i hope everyone's well. So I am happy to announce to you the first SANKOFA Meetup being organized by Akua Wood of Sheabutter Cottage, an online UK retailer of natural hair and skin care products. SANKOFA is basically is a meetup to mostly chat on hair and skin care as well as sales of hair and skin care products. It comes off on the 22nd of June, 2013 at Legon Westlands from 2 pm to 8 pm. It's a free event and there is going to be free food...

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So you remember the lovely Evita of Evita Joseph Beauty from the collab post "What I Will Get If Given $100"? Well she's hosti...

So you remember the lovely Evita of Evita Joseph Beauty from the collab post "What I Will Get If Given $100"? Well she's hosting a 30 day skin care challenge with a focus on facial skin care beginning today 8th April and ending 7th May. Yayyyyy!!! This comes in very handy for me as i have been meaning to revamp my skin care regimen. I have been slacking and i am paying dearly for it with dull and blemished skin. Generally, i would say i have mild acne prone skin meaning i breakout about say once a month...

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